Thoughts Unleashed.

Friday, February 27, 2009

one of the best bassist in the world

Behold, one of the greatest masters ever to grace to stage with a bass guitar...Flea!!

the first part you can see the interviewer just randomly spewing a story and Flea plays the bass according to the story!! so freakin' cool!!!

*ahem* *ahem* hopefully this will inspire *someone* to start opening up his genre and start exploring funk and groove styles.

actually, come to think of it, i hope ALL my bassists in church will learn to groove/funk style. I feel it's one of the few genres where the bass actually stand out and play a major role in the music style. so much more fun compared to the normal "jeng jeng jeng" for rock songs rite? rite? rite?


  • I have the whole DVD! Unfortunately, the interviewer (also a great musician and Flea's good friend) had passed away last 2years or something

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:14 PM  

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