Thoughts Unleashed.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Silent Needs

I don't really know how to start this posting...but I'll write it as bluntly and directly as I can..

I'm addressing this mostly to young working adults.

Money. Most of us don't really talk about money cos it's something personal. Something private. We usually don't like to share to others how much we're earning. Probably cos it might come down to comparison, and we might start to envy other friends for being well off, for having better jobs at better companies. And we might start to feel inferior. Or depress. Whatever it may be.

Sometimes it's due to pride as well. Don't talk to me about money. I can handle it on my own.
Sad fact is, sometimes the very same people who are saying those very words are the ones struggling financially.

Sometimes when we do talk about money, we might get the impression that we're just money faced..or "all we want is money, money money" we just tend to shut up for fear of being branded as " one-of-those-money-freaks."

It's OK.

I'll just let it out here and make a statement.

Most of us young working adults are suffering and struggling financially.


My job gives me the chance to talk to so many friends our age and I really appreciate them opening up to me. Most of us have just enough to get by. That means having just enough to survive every month after paying for everything, with maybe the occasional movie outings and expensive meals. Don't talk about savings.

Some do actually have some money to spare and save every month. But then comes along a mega sale, an outing or something just goes wrong in your home or an accident that just comes along and wrecks your savings to shreds in a few seconds.

Some actually are struggling. Meaning maggie mee few meals a week. Having to say 'no' numerous times to friends when it comes to movie, or expensive meals. Being in debt.

Sounds familiar?

I've been there. Am still in there too.

And frankly, my heart goes out to this guys. I wish I could help somehow. I wish that somehow everyone I meet will be able to find financial freedom. That they won't have to worry and get frustrated.

Then I thought to myself. Actually, I could help them. I could help you.

Think about it. Most of our parents probably started off the same way. They might even start off worse than us. Lower salaries than us. But how did they manage to send us to college? How did they manage to own a car, a house now? How did they manage to feed you, clothe you and give you a comfortable life?

Simple. They lead prudent lives. And used the element of time.

That's the key, my friends.

If you wanna be financial free in the future, you have to use the only element we have that's cost free. Time.

Start saving your money now. The amount doesn't matter. It could be as low as RM 50 a month. Or even RM 1k a month. Commit yourself to a disciplined way of storing your money somewhere. If you can't have that control, then admit it, and use a program that will unable you to touch your money till it matures. Why?

Saving means creating your 'pots of gold'. The more pots of gold you have, the better will it be for you use that for future commitments. eg. marriage, car, house, family, e.t.c. You don't wanna end up having to apply for loans when these commitment comes, and spend the rest of your life trying to get out of debt.

We are still young. Time will compound money and use your existing money, to make more money for you. Thats why I mentioned that the amount does not matter. But of course, the more you save, the more money you can make.

I'm not here to advertise for my business. I just wanna help people become better and more comfortable financially. Because I experience all this myself, I understand the most how it feels.
I have the programs and vehicles to help anyone do this.

So, I dont know who will be reading this. But if you wanna know how you can start savings and investment for yourself, just leave a comment, or let me know. I will try my very best to help.



  • Of course we're finding it much more difficult to survive today. Read this:

    Imagine, 26 years ago a graduate earn RM1400, today also getting paid the same amount? That "development" for you. How do you expect graduates today to save at the same rate as their parents when costs of living has went up 2-4x during that period?

    For me, I think I'll move out as soon as I get the chance. Next year the petrol going to go up again, I shudder to think of what will be the cost of living then.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:22 PM  

  • heh..nice to hear from you, bro. Yea I've had that page from The Star laminated to show to my clients. Prices are getting higher. Standard of living is getting higher. Which is why we need to be careful of our spendings and be prudent as much as we can.

    By Blogger Affiliate Marketer , at 11:57 AM  

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