Mission Accomplished
T'was a good 4 days spent in cyber. Glad to meet so many ol' folks back. heh. Quite happy to be back at church. oh ya. Top 3 responds I get from church people:
' You've lost weight?'
' You're back great!! Thank Gaawwd!! We need DRUMMERS BADLY!!'
' Hey. Long time no see. You've been away?'
heh. Anyways, really satisfied to be able to accomplish the 3 things I wanted to do at cyber: shift my stuff back, first jamming session and a good time spent wif my fyp supervisor.
Hmm..some random thoughts are going through my mind now...here goes....
Sometimes it's funny how people are closer and more friendlier to you when you're going away somewhere or just came back from somewhere far away. The in-between period, it's as if you don't exist to those people. heh. Correct me if I'm wrong. Don't get me wrong. Really enjoyed the 'goodbyes' and 'welcome back's'. But after that, sometimes I get the feeling if I were to get kidnapped or get killed nobody would noticed I guess. hah. Something which I should learn too.
Again it's really fun to hear that people read this blog. It's like when I talk about something about myself, I've met people who said' Hey, I heard that somewhere before. Oh ya. I read it in your blog.' heh.
This final semester, the one thing I which I HOPE I can do, it's to cut down on keeping my eyes glued to my computer and spend more time with friends. Really feel like I have been wasting my precious uni life away getting my eyes glued to my pc and not hanging out and talking with people around me. Sometimes I think this is the problem why I'm not close to that many people.
Hmm..just checked out the actstream list for february. The thing about my church is if you're gone for a while, you'd have to start from square one again. Which meant I'm not listed for drums at all, but I have to start from choir again. Probably it's the right thing to do, but it's kinda frustrating too. It usually happens like that during sem breaks too. It's like I'm gone for a few weeks, then I'm back to square one again. And when I manage to break into the team again, a few more weeks later the sem break comes again. sighz.
Church has moved forward so much that I felt like an outsider. It's not only new people, but...I dunno how to explain it. I get the feeling that I'm so far behind...
How long does it take to make really good friends? Does it always have take like 4, 5 years? Cos I have this feeling that whenever I actually bonded with the people around me, it's time for us to move on again. And it's really heart breaking.
Will I feel loneliness again? I never experienced it before I went to penang, and never thought that one day I would too...
That day when we had a nice lil 'session' with a few friends, we raised our glasses and toasted. And I said ' here's to remembering this moment, if we have to part ways in the future, here's to having friends around and enjoying one another'. Haha. I didn't really said all that lar. Maybe something like that. But I really meant it and sealed that moment in my heart. Maybe it's because I've completely lost touch with my best friends in my secondary school days, and it sorta makes me think I might lose touch with my close uni friends in the future.
Am I different from person the behind this blog and me in person? I hope not. Sometimes, I just wanna be close to someone, he or she doesn't allow me to step into their life. Sometimes, chances come by, and I missed it. Sometimes, chances don't come by at all. Sometimes, you realized that the person behind the blog and the real person are totally different. And it confuses you.
I realized that I'm better at developing songs than writing songs. Give me a simple tune and lyrics, and I can visualize the outcome of it with everything in it. And I quite enjoy it. Spent like a few hours working on someone's new song *ahem* sitting in front of the piano with a guitar strapped around me, jotted down everything that went through my mind. Haha. Dunno wheter it'll turn out ok or not. Blek.
Eyes communicate a lot. Sometimes one look can mean 'I miss you'. Sometimes one look can mean 'why are you doing this?' Sometimes one look can mean 'would you comfort me?' and sometimes, one look can mean' you mean nothing to me.'
Sighz. Just wanna do one last thing. For the next 4 months:
Here's to finally finishing my life as a student and coming out;
Here's to having a fantastic and awesome time with you guyz, whether were we really close or we're just 'hi' and 'bye' buddies;
Here's to Amplify, may we soar higher and achieve our dreams, make awesome music;
Cheerz everyone.
when goodbyes are meant to be said, only then we found out how intimate we are with the people around us, and how we'd miss the times we had together.
It's only natural. :D
See ya back in cyber next sem.
zefiriel, at 8:17 PM
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