Thoughts Unleashed.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


It's that time again, time for music talk again....lalaaalaa...

So, whut up wif da music scene nowadays? Seems like everyone's into this band nows'aday..

But me, naahh..they're good...have a few of their live gigs clips..there's even a clip where he sang thru a loud know those ones? usually used by protestors or for crowd control wan? hehe... groove is good..they have a unique's good..but not really my kinda music tho..

So..what am I up to these days? Previously I blogged about Story of the Year, Breaking Benjamin...They're still my favourites..But I kinda moved on again..One day I just decided to not put the good broadband connection to waste...simply download any band that comes to my mind..I downloaded these old dudes for fun...and..yesh...I got hooked on to them..*blushes*
Ladies and gentleman, welcome....


Uhuh...uhuh...I can see some of you squinting and smacking your foreheads...I don't care..haha...really like their music...just ask the people around me...they're probably sick of me blasting their songs everyday after work..Yea yea..I know they've been around for ages..guess I'm a late boomer...or watever you call it..BLLleek..

My music tastes are evolving..come to think of all started with listening to The Used...then I moved on to Story of the Year...then bla bla..then bla am I today...listening to Korn and occasionally I hope I don't move on to there...

Anyway, recently one of Korn's members, Head, accepted Christianity. No joke, wei. Just go to wikipedia, search for them and it's all there. He's the 2nd person from the right. He got baptized , left the band and I think he's starting something of his own.

I'm not sure whether the 'old' Korn had 3 additional members, but it's all shown here in the cover of their album, See You At The Other Side.

Rabbit face is the backup singer, Horse face is the keyboards, and White-kid face is on 2nd guitars..They look really weird live..hehe....a dude with a horse face playing the keys..
Like their groove, like their feel.



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