Stepping into the next chapter
Just received the compiled videos from our mission trip from mailed by our dear siew voon. I watched again, seeing people praising God, seeing people encountering God. It was powerful. Even just watching it from a screen, I could feel it..and I felt so blessed and touched..that God could use simple people like us for His purposes.
Finally it dawned to me, the main thing, the main message, God wanted to tell me throughout all this. It was sorta ringing in my ear, but I chose to ignore it, cos it wasn't an easy message, it wasn't something everyone wants to hear.
'Lord I give you my life, I give you my soul, I live for You alone'
I saw people responding to God through this song over there, I sang with it, I played to that song, but deep inside, something within me was resisting it..Giving your life..Giving your all...I knew God was demanding this of me..and it ain't something you can give so I chose to ignore it...especially at this moment of life...where you look around you...and you find people rushing..working towards 'success' in life...where long term plans are laid..plans to have a good life...where money is becoming more influential...slogging up the corporate ladder to become recognise...there's always the temptation for one to 'grip' life as it chase after what everyone's chasing after...and....forget Jesus...forget God....I'm not sure you're getting this..sighs..i'm not a good writer....I can't deny..there's a desire within make it big .to be 'successful'.....probably everyone has the same desire I guess...God is telling me to surrender it to Him...all this's so hard..but I have to...I have me Lord...
Stepping into the next chapter of my month ago as I step down from the plane back from the Philippines, as I left behind the fond memories, stern reminders came flooding my mind right away...thoughts and worries of where will I go from many many questions...
I had to turn to Jesus...I had to run back to God...
"How do you know whether the decision you're making is what God wants you to do?" I've asked many people that question..and not many could answer....but you know what ? God does answer you..for my case too....when you come to God asking where to go..He will give an answer sooner or
He didn't appear to me like paul..heh...but through my time seeking Him...he revealed certain things of me...and most importantly..He brought important people into my life to give me confirmation and assurance...He brought in Thomas, our old CF senior...I didn't have his number...but I got it from Nicholas Sim last semester when i 'accidentally' bump into Him wandering around in campus alone..didn't know why..but i just took down Thomas's number from him that day..and Thomas gave me so much encouragement..and cleared so much of my doubts and fears that made come to this decision....
God brought in my old' old neighbour friend..we were best buds during teen years..and I haven't meet him in ages...I decided to visit him that nite..and he gave me this a job hunting agency....2 days later they had arranged 4 interviews for me and I was on my way to kl...before that I was using jobstreet..which had no one contact me for more than 1 week....and couldn't sniff out such good offers...
God gave my mom assurance during church last week..she was real worried abt me taking this decision...but my mom encountered God in a special way...and finally she 'released' me..with her blessing..which I was praying so much for...
God prepared for me a place to a place where I wanted to...USJ 2...all I had to do was one phone call...and everything was ready....a nice place..single room..and cheaper than what I expected.....
When people say God opens and closes doors, He really does. Still finding out where to go? Why not ask God for directions? :)
I need prayer.
If you're reading this, and you're quite free, do help me out, pray for me :)
This is a frontline job. I carry the name of Christ..especially when I meet people...
Pray for me..that I have..
And most important...
that I always, always walk in the fear of the Lord...
thanks a bunch. :)
Finally it dawned to me, the main thing, the main message, God wanted to tell me throughout all this. It was sorta ringing in my ear, but I chose to ignore it, cos it wasn't an easy message, it wasn't something everyone wants to hear.
'Lord I give you my life, I give you my soul, I live for You alone'
I saw people responding to God through this song over there, I sang with it, I played to that song, but deep inside, something within me was resisting it..Giving your life..Giving your all...I knew God was demanding this of me..and it ain't something you can give so I chose to ignore it...especially at this moment of life...where you look around you...and you find people rushing..working towards 'success' in life...where long term plans are laid..plans to have a good life...where money is becoming more influential...slogging up the corporate ladder to become recognise...there's always the temptation for one to 'grip' life as it chase after what everyone's chasing after...and....forget Jesus...forget God....I'm not sure you're getting this..sighs..i'm not a good writer....I can't deny..there's a desire within make it big .to be 'successful'.....probably everyone has the same desire I guess...God is telling me to surrender it to Him...all this's so hard..but I have to...I have me Lord...
Stepping into the next chapter of my month ago as I step down from the plane back from the Philippines, as I left behind the fond memories, stern reminders came flooding my mind right away...thoughts and worries of where will I go from many many questions...
I had to turn to Jesus...I had to run back to God...
"How do you know whether the decision you're making is what God wants you to do?" I've asked many people that question..and not many could answer....but you know what ? God does answer you..for my case too....when you come to God asking where to go..He will give an answer sooner or
He didn't appear to me like paul..heh...but through my time seeking Him...he revealed certain things of me...and most importantly..He brought important people into my life to give me confirmation and assurance...He brought in Thomas, our old CF senior...I didn't have his number...but I got it from Nicholas Sim last semester when i 'accidentally' bump into Him wandering around in campus alone..didn't know why..but i just took down Thomas's number from him that day..and Thomas gave me so much encouragement..and cleared so much of my doubts and fears that made come to this decision....
God brought in my old' old neighbour friend..we were best buds during teen years..and I haven't meet him in ages...I decided to visit him that nite..and he gave me this a job hunting agency....2 days later they had arranged 4 interviews for me and I was on my way to kl...before that I was using jobstreet..which had no one contact me for more than 1 week....and couldn't sniff out such good offers...
God gave my mom assurance during church last week..she was real worried abt me taking this decision...but my mom encountered God in a special way...and finally she 'released' me..with her blessing..which I was praying so much for...
God prepared for me a place to a place where I wanted to...USJ 2...all I had to do was one phone call...and everything was ready....a nice place..single room..and cheaper than what I expected.....
When people say God opens and closes doors, He really does. Still finding out where to go? Why not ask God for directions? :)
I need prayer.
If you're reading this, and you're quite free, do help me out, pray for me :)
This is a frontline job. I carry the name of Christ..especially when I meet people...
Pray for me..that I have..
And most important...
that I always, always walk in the fear of the Lord...
thanks a bunch. :)
I will be praying...
Thanks for being an example.
weeliem, at 3:21 AM
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