Christianity vs Insurance.
My religion, no, rather my whole belief system vs my rice bowl. I've been pondering on this topic for a certain time now. As an insurance agent myself, I have to be clear in my mind the correlation between the two above, so during this CNY hols, I set out to settle this matter once and for all.
The basis of all insurance is just based on one question : " What if something happens to you?"
There are a few certainties and uncertainties in life. One thing for certain is, we can never predict or forsee the uncertainties in the future.

" Life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're gonna get."
Hmm. I still don't get the " box of chocolates" part tho.
You see kids playing in the streets everyday, and one fine day one gets kidnapped. You see people traveling in buses everyday, and one fine day one double decker bus rams into a divider, and a bright student's future just vanishes. You see our government ministers working hard everyday, and one fine day one gets caught with his pants down..
So, since no one can guarantee that nothing bad will ever happen to them,
insurance comes in to make sure that, if they were ever to be HIT with misfortune, the impact of it will be soften, and things will be able to return back to normal as soon as possible.
Pretty clear aye?
The question that's being bugging me for sometime now is this:" Is getting an insurance mean that I don't have faith in my Godd? " Does this mean that I don't trust my God enough to take care of me during my bad times that I have to ensure myself beforehand? I've talked to some clients before, and when I post the question " Dear sir, what'cha gonna do then?" He replies "I'll just have to trust God when that time comes." And you know what, I can't really answer to that because I love my God just as much as he does.
Thing is, I have to set it right before I can go on in this industry anymore. I need to make a stand in my belief, and be truly convicted in my heart whatever the outcome will be.
Armed with lots determination and lots of cny cookies

I set out to seek out the answer...
to be continued..